November 28, 2022 : From fiction to reality... you thought you'd seen it all with The Office of Legends?
Part 1: Assessment of the Assises
A moment of conviviality with the Cyber community to share with you the results of the 22nd edition of the Assises, followed by a cocktail reception.
Part 2: The military cradle of Israeli startups is at Le Cercle!
Unit 8200 is the Israel Defense Army's intelligence unit, specializing in electronic warfare and information gathering. A veritable technological incubator, this unusual entity brings together the future elites of Israeli high tech, and has spawned some of the world's greatest cyber success stories.
A unique exchange with Roy Zinman, Former Intelligence Officer and Innovation Leader of the Israeli Defense Forces For 25 years, Roy Zinman was part of Unit 8200.
He was a privileged witness to the evolution of risks and threats. During this exceptional Cercle evening, he will share his experience, taking us into the inner workings of the Unit, explaining how attackers operate and how OSINT and Artificial Intelligence are set to revolutionize the world of technological intelligence.

June 28, 2022 : Innovation Award
Fancy a big dose of Innovation before the summer?
Le Cercle special Prix de l'Innovation, the place to be to discover the nuggets of the cyber world, those who shake up and inspire our ecosystem every year:
- CryptoNext Security is a publisher of quantum-resistant cryptography solutions.
- Mindflow is a SaaS company providing a code-free automation and orchestration platform for security incidents.
- Patrowl automates vulnerability detection and remediation for cybercriminal organizations.
- SCPTime aims to revolutionize the Time sector, an invisible but fundamental utility for cybersecurity.
The Prix de l'Innovation is THE prestigious award for Cybersecurity in Europe.

April 7, 2022 : Geopolitics at the heart of corporate data
Did you enjoy deciphering Chinese influence at the last Cercle?
For the 2nd evening of the Cercle, we're going even further...
Geopolitical upheavals: what impact for companies and their data?
The tragic events shaking the world have brought geopolitics to the forefront, with consequences for all economic players.
Join us for a fascinating debate at the heart of current events:
- Are companies sufficiently aware of what's at stake?
- What digital tools do they have at their disposal to understand the impact on their business?
- How can the study of data flows shed light on geopolitical risks?
- And how should companies' data strategies adapt to an increasingly uncertain global context?
We will be delighted to welcome Alix Desforges, Researcher at the GEODE Research Center, Paris 8, and the Chairman of Assises 2022, Thierry Auger, Corporate CIO & Group CISO at Lagardère.

Beijing may be in the spotlight with the Olympic Games, but it's China in general - and all year round - that you're keeping a close eye on. Unprecedented, of course, but undoubtedly highly inspiring: the first Cercle 2022 takes you on a dive into the Chinese myth, with Paul Charon invoking Machiavelli in his research and Julien Nocetti for whom the geopolitics of data holds no secrets.
Chinese influence in cyberspace: between fantasy and reality In recent years, the Chinese regime has invested heavily in cyberspace.
The aim of this strategy is to increase China's influence around the world, as other nations are doing. But while for a long time it was all about projecting a positive image of China and arousing admiration, it appears that the Chinese Communist Party is increasingly opting to infiltrate and coerce. How is this policy being implemented? With what means and what consequences? Who are the players? Are there risks for Western companies? Today's cybersecurity players are faced with a host of political, economic and technological questions.
In this exceptional Cercle evening, we welcome Paul Charon and Julien Nocetti.
- Paul Charon is Director of IRSEM's Intelligence, Anticipation and Hybrid Threats Department, and co-author of a report published in September 2021 entitled "Chinese influence operations. A Machiavellian moment".
- Julien Nocetti is a lecturer and researcher at the Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan Military Academy and an associate researcher at IFRI. He is a specialist in the geopolitics of data.